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Research Associate in School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University

Dr Groves' work focuses on how people and institutions negotiate and deal with an intrinsically uncertain future – one increasingly imagined against the backdrop of global environmental change and accelerating technological innovation. Along with the ethical and political implications of a range of future-oriented discourses and practices (e.g. risk management, precautionary regulation, building resilience), he examines how our ideas about what it means for individuals and whole societies to take responsibility for their futures are being changed by emerging technologies (such as the convergence between bio- and nanotechnology and personalised genetic testing).

The monograph "Future Matters: Action, Knowledge, Ethics" (Brill, 2007), co-authored with Professor Barbara Adam (Social Science, Cardiff University), examines these themes in depth. He is currently writing a monograph on the sociology of risk and uncertainty and intergenerational ethics to be published by Palgrave in 2014, with an accompanying blog at


  • –present
    Research Associate in School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University


  • 2000 
    University of Warwick, PhD Philosophy
  • 1995 
    University of Warwick, MA Philosophy and Social Theory (Dist)
  • 1993 
    University of York, BA Philosophy/Sociology (First)