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Professor of Work and Organisation, Anglia Ruskin University

Chris joined the Anglia Ruskin in 2018, having previously taught and researched at the Universities of Leicester, Essex, St Gallen, Innsbruck and Warwick, where he was awarded his PhD in 2004. Chris’ research is underpinned by an abiding interest in the relationship between economic forms of value and substantive values, for example ethical values, aesthetic values and political values. This continues to ground his research, with current work examining anarchism as a theory of value, and the re-emergence of ‘craft’ as a signifier of value in post-Fordist production, particularly in the ‘craft beer’ scene.

Chris is a qualitative researcher, with experience of ethnographic and interview-based research methodologies. Chris is currently supervising PhD students with interests including social movement organizations, performativity, work life balance, social enterprises and alternative organizing.


  • –present
    Professor of Work and Organisation and Deputy Dean (Research and Innovation), Anglia Ruskin University