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Christine Mitchell

Academic Dean and Professor of Hebrew Bible, Knox College, University of Toronto

I have an undergraduate degree in Near Eastern Archaeology, and graduate degrees in Religion and Comparative Literature. My specialization is in Hebrew Bible and ancient religions, but I've also written on women, gender and sexuality, and more recently on biblical justifications for conquest and genocide. In 2018 I was the President of the Canadian Society of Biblical Studies, and I sit on the editorial board of the leading journal worldwide in biblical studies, Journal of Biblical Literature.


  • 2022–present
    Academic Dean and Professor, Knox College
  • 2002–2021
    Professor, St. Andrew's College


  • 2002 
    Carleton University, PhD / Comparative Literary Studies
  • 1995 
    Carleton University, MA / Religion
  • 1993 
    Wilfrid Laurier University, BA / Archaeology (Near Eastern)