First Name:
Last Name:
Relationships and Sexuality
Research Area – Relationships and Sexuality
Academic Background: Christopher Quinn-Nilas is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition at the University of Guelph. He received a M.A. in Psychology and a B.A. in Psychology from Trent University.
Research Interests
Mindfulness and self-compassion
Relationship and sexual satisfaction
Relational well-being
Relationship stability
Quantitative methods
Body image and sexuality
Grants and Funding:
SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship
Recent Publications:
Quinn-Nilas, C., Goncalves, M., Kennett, D., Grant, A (in press). A thematic analysis of men’s sexual compliance with unwanted, non-coercive sex. Psychology of Men & Masculinity.
McKay, A., Quinn-Nilas, C., Milhausen, R. (2017). Prevalence and correlates of condom use among midlife Canadian women and men aged 40 to 59. Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 26 (1).
Quinn-Nilas, C., Benson, L., Milhausen, R., Buchholz, A.C., Goncalves, M (2016). The relationship between body image and sexual functioning. Sexual Medicine, 4 (3).