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PhD Candidate, Communication Studies, Concordia University

Chrys Vilvang is a PhD candidate in Communication Studies at Concordia University. He is interested in the impact of digital technologies on consciousness and is currently exploring archives, algorithms, artificial intelligence, photography, and memory through research-creation.

Vilvang examines the production of meaning through images and how these processes are being transformed by tools that intervene, remediate, and alter our relationship with our photographic past.

Chrys has a BA in Cultural Studies from McGill University (2011), an MA in Media Studies from the University of Amsterdam (2015), and an MA in Media Production from Toronto Metropolitan University (2017). He has worked as a research assistant with the Montreal Signs Project and the Studio for Media Activism and Critical Thought.


  • 2020–present
    PhD Candidate, Concordia University


  • 2017 
    Toronto Metropolitan University, Master of Arts
  • 2015 
    University of Amsterdam, Master of Arts
  • 2011 
    McGill University, Bachelor of Arts


  • 2024
    Between automated memory and history: blocking ‘sensitive locations’ from Apple Memories,