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Clive Roland Boddy

Deputy Head, School of Management, Anglia Ruskin University., Anglia Ruskin University

Clive currently works as Deputy Head of School in the Lord Ashcroft Business School of Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge, England. Previously Clive was Professor of Management at the University of Tasmania, Australia and before that Professor of Leadership at the University of Middlesex in London. Clive has also held Visiting Professorships at the University of Lincoln (UK), the University of Middlesex and Curtin University in Australia.

Clive has worked in research (commercial marketing research and academic management research) all his adult life and has undertaken about 850 research projects and published over 100 academic research papers, seven book chapters, three books and several magazine articles. Clive has held Professorships in Marketing, Market Research, Management and Leadership in the UK and Australia and has worked at the universities of Tasmania, Curtin, Adelaide, Nottingham Trent and Middlesex.

Clive has been influential in developing corporate psychopathy theory and the 'Corporate psychopaths theory of the global financial crisis' is one of his most cited papers. Clive has appeared in UK and Canadian TV documentaries about corporate psychopaths and has been interviewed on the subject for radio programmes and newspaper articles.

Research interests
Corporate psychopaths
Toxic leadership
Workplace bullying
Entrepreneurism and innovation
Job satisfaction
Business success
Projective techniques
Qualitative research techniques