Dr Damien Belobrajdic is a Senior Research Scientist with CSIRO Health & Biosecurity. He completed his PhD at CSIRO Human Nutrition in 2003 and his research continues to investigate the physiological, biochemical and molecular processes that are important to understanding how food and food components affect diseases related to digestive health including type-2 diabetes.
A majority of this research over the last 10 years has focused on substantiating the metabolic health benefits of novel cereal grains and their component carbohydrates, and in providing a deeper understanding of the mechanisms of benefit. A core focus of this work has been to deliver premium grain and grain-based foods that provide significant socioeconomic benefits for Australia.
Damien has produced over 30 refereed publications, a patent and commercial reports for Food Industry clients. He is the co-chair of the Nutrition Society of Australia-Adelaide group, on the management committee of the Oceanic Nutrition Leaders Platform, sits on the Complaints Advisory Committee for the Grains and Legumes Nutrition Council (GLNC), and is an active participant in the STEM Professionals in Schools program.