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Associate Professor, Adult and Postgraduate Education, Western Sydney University

Danielle is an Associate Professor in Educational and Developmental Psychology and Disability Studies, and a Senior Researcher in the Centre for Educational Research, Western Sydney University.

Her career objective is to advance the psychosocial wellbeing of children and young people, with a particular focus on individuals with intellectual disabilities. She achieves this through the synergies between her research, teaching and leadership, HDR supervision, and consultancy in the field. Her work adopts an ecological approach to understand and shift the influential factors at individual, systemic practice, and community policy levels.

As an accomplished researcher winning over $2 million in national and international research grants she collaborates with scholars in Canada, USA, Germany, Sri Lanka, Papua New Guinea, and Hong Kong. She is widely authored in high-impact journals and is the co-editor of two international volumes on inclusive education. She is a mixed-method researcher conducting evaluations and longitudinal designs to identify developmental trends and practices that optimise psychosocial development.

Most notably, she works closely with industry and end-users of research as a consultant and researcher. These partnerships are strengthened by her experience as an Educational and Developmental Psychologist and Service Manager within the community sector for 15 years prior to entering academia.


  • –present
    Associate Professor, Adult and Postgraduate Education, Western Sydney University