Dr Dannielle Green is a senior lecturer in ecology in the School of Life Sciences at Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, where she is the director of the Applied Ecology Research Group.
Her research is interdisciplinary and focuses on understanding and mitigating the impacts of human activities on natural ecosystems. Dannielle earned her Bachelor’s in Marine Science from the University of Sydney in 2007, her PhD in invasive species in 2012 from University College Dublin and she won an Irish Research Council fellowship in 2013 at Trinity College Dublin.
Since 2013 she has been researching the ecological impacts of plastic pollution in natural ecosystems. Her research on plastics bags and on microplastic litter pioneered in showing potential for wider, community-level effects of plastic debris and have been used as evidence by governmental and international organisations such as the UK parliament, the Department of the Environment, Fisheries and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), the Australian senate and the United Nations Environment Programme.
Dannielle is passionate about science communication and is a regular guest on BBC radio, The Naked Scientists podcast as well as participating in public outreach events such as Soapbox Science.