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David Rymer

PhD Candidate Investigating Australian Espionage Fiction, University of the Sunshine Coast

David Rymer is PhD candidate investigating the history of Australian espionage fiction at the University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia. Besides critical genre and place studies in espionage fiction he is a published author of The World in Prints, The History of Advertising Posters from the Late 19th Century to the 1940s (2019), a past contributor to the Australian Financial Review on leadership and innovation, and an established nonfiction freelance ghostwriter with works spanning nanotechnology, finance, property, and retail. His unpublished manuscript Havoc was a semi-finalist in the U.S. ScreenCraft Cinematic Book Competition (2022). Previously, David lectured in journalism and marketing law at Murdoch University’s Dubai campus. His other fields of interest are the points of convergence between the espionage fiction genre and companion genres.


  • –present
    PhD Candidate Specialising in Espionage Fiction, University of the Sunshine Coast


  • 2006 
    University of NSW, Masters in Business and Technology