Dominic Dwyer is a medical virologist and infectious diseases physician, and works in Public Health Pathology for NSWHP. He undertook postgraduate research in HIV at the Institut Pasteur in Paris, France. He has a clinical and research interest in viral diseases of public health importance, and runs a clinical trials unit in antiviral drugs and vaccines. He has a particular interest in antiviral drug resistance. He is a Clinical Professor at the Western Medical School, Sydney University.
He assists State and National governments in planning for pandemic influenza and emerging infections, and is actively involved in outbreak investigations.
He has undertaken various overseas projects, including with the World Health Organization (WHO) during the SARS outbreak in Beijing in 2003, with the Australian Government in Vietnam for avian influenza and the Maldives for tsunami relief, with the University of Sydney in Malaysia and the Sudan for HIV, and for public health regulatory bodies in New Zealand and Hong Kong.
He is a member of the WHO Global Outbreak Alert Response Network (GOARN), and the Sydney Institute for Emerging Infectious Diseases and Biosecurity at Sydney University.
He was a member of the WHO Origins of SARS-CoV-2 International Study in Wuhan in 2021.