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Ekaterina Pechenkina

Katya (Ekaterina) Pechenkina is a cultural anthropologist, Teaching and Learning scholar, and award-winning senior lecturer at Swinburne University of Technology. Her research focuses on impact and evaluation in education, as well as on understanding how educators and students experience technological change.


  • 2023–present
    Senior lecturer, Swinburne University of Technology
  • 2021–2023
    Lecturer, Swinburne University of Technology
  • 2016–2021
    Research fellow, Swinburne University of Technology
  • 2014–2016
    Researcher, Swinburne University of Technology
  • 2010–2014
    PhD Candidate, The University of Melbourne


  • 2015 
    Swinburne University of Technology, Graduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching (Higher Education)
  • 2014 
    The University of Melbourne, PhD
  • 2005 
    Saratov State Technical University, B.A. (Honours - Cum Laude) Social Anthropology
  • 2004 
    California State University Bakersfield, International Research and Exchange Board Scholar (Sociology)


  • 2017
    Persevering, educating and influencing a change: A case study of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander narratives of academic success, Critical Studies in Education
  • 2017
    Research paradigms underpinning SoTL papers: A comparative analysis of two journals that publish SOTL, Methods and Paradigms in Education Research
  • 2017
    Developing a typology of mobile apps in Higher Education: A national case-study, Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 33(4), 134-146
  • 2017
    Using a gamified mobile app to increase student engagement, retention and academic achievement, International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education
  • 2017
    Innovation-by-numbers: An autoethnography of innovation as violence, Culture and Organization
  • 2017
    What do students want? Making sense of student preferences in technology-enhanced learning, Contemporary Educational Technology
  • 2017
    Digital literacy and other factors influencing the success of online courses in remote Indigenous communities, Indigenous Pathways and Transitions into Higher Education
  • 2017
    Lecture-recording technology in higher education: Exploring staff and student views across the disciplines, Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 33(4), 122-133
  • 2017
    'It becomes almost an act of defiance’: Indigenous Australian transformational resistance as a driver of academic achievement, Race Ethnicity and Education
  • 2016
    Designing Massive Open Online Courses to account for participant motivations and expectations, British Journal of Educational Technology
  • 2016
    Digital badges as motivator in MOOCs – the Carpe Diem MOOC experience, Digital Badges in Education: Trends, Issues and Cases, Routledge
  • 2016
    Staying quiet or rocking the boat? An autoethnography of organisational visual white supremacy, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal
  • 2016
    'The birds of paradise sing without needing a supple branch': Joseph Brodsky and the poetics of exile, Cordite Poetry Review
  • 2016
    Bring-Your-Own-Device or prescribed mobile technology? Investigating student preferences for mobile learning, In mLearn 2016, 15th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning, 24-25 October, Sydney, NSW
  • 2015
    Who needs support? Perceptions of institutional support by Indigenous Australian students, The UNESCO Observatory Multi-Disciplinary E-Journal in the Arts, 4(1)
  • 2015
    The space for social media in structured online learning, Research in Learning Technology
  • 2014
    Evaluating the role of universities in the formation of centres of competence and entrepreneurship, Advanced Research in Economics and Management
  • 2014
    Badges in the Carpe Diem MOOC, In Rhetoric and Reality: Critical perspectives on educational technology ASCILITE Conference. Dunedin, New Zealand, 23-26 November
  • 2012
    Researching Indigenous Australian success in higher education: A case-study of an Australian university, Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia Newsletter, Vol. 34, Issue 2
  • 2012
    In search of a culture of Indigenous academic success, The Australian Anthropological Society Newsletter; No. 126, June
  • 2011
    Indigenous Australian Students’ Participation Rates in Higher Education, The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education, Vol. 40, pp. 1-10
  • 2011
    A case for culturally-safe environment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in Australian universities, Government Submission, Review of Higher Education Access and Outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People
  • 2011
    Background Paper on Indigenous Australian Higher Education: Trends, Initiatives and Policy Implications, Department of Employment, Education and Workplace Relations
  • 2009
    Federal and State Government responsibilities in support of international students, Industry report, the Council of Australian Postgraduate Associations
  • 2006
    International students and the system of higher education: International experience, Vestnik Scientific Journal of Saratov State Technical University, Vol. 17, No. 4, Ed. 2; pp.146-150
  • 2005
    International students as a factor of modernisation of regional education system, Region as seen by students, a collection of student essays
  • 2005
    International students as a factor of economic development of Russian education, Societal aspirations and strategies of social change
  • 2005
    Sociocultural transformations and the process of higher education globalization, Russia’s national security and the perspectives of contemporary development
  • 2005
    Problems of Russian youth in the context of globalisation processes, Russia’s national security and the perspectives of contemporary development
  • 2003
    Formation of societal values among youth in informal groups, Directions of the contemporary civilisation development
  • 2002
    Action research into information resources for people with disabilities, Empowering democracy with(in) university – academia for critical thinking and inclusion
  • 2000
    Social work and electronic resources in education, Information technologies in education
  • 2000
    Digital resources on the issues of children with limited abilities, Gender, power, culture: socio-anthropological approach

Grants and Contracts

  • 2016
    National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education
    Funding Source:
    National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education

Research Areas

  • Education (13)
  • Higher Education (130103)
  • Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Education (130301)
  • Anthropology (1601)
  • Social And Cultural Anthropology (160104)
  • Educational Technology And Computing (130306)
  • Education Systems (1301)