Persevering, educating and influencing a change: A case study of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander narratives of academic success, Critical Studies in Education
Research paradigms underpinning SoTL papers: A comparative analysis of two journals that publish SOTL, Methods and Paradigms in Education Research
Developing a typology of mobile apps in Higher Education: A national case-study, Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 33(4), 134-146
Using a gamified mobile app to increase student engagement, retention and academic achievement, International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education
Innovation-by-numbers: An autoethnography of innovation as violence, Culture and Organization
What do students want? Making sense of student preferences in technology-enhanced learning, Contemporary Educational Technology
Digital literacy and other factors influencing the success of online courses in remote Indigenous communities, Indigenous Pathways and Transitions into Higher Education
Lecture-recording technology in higher education: Exploring staff and student views across the disciplines, Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 33(4), 122-133
'It becomes almost an act of defiance’: Indigenous Australian transformational resistance as a driver of academic achievement, Race Ethnicity and Education
Designing Massive Open Online Courses to account for participant motivations and expectations, British Journal of Educational Technology
Digital badges as motivator in MOOCs – the Carpe Diem MOOC experience, Digital Badges in Education: Trends, Issues and Cases, Routledge
Staying quiet or rocking the boat? An autoethnography of organisational visual white supremacy, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal
'The birds of paradise sing without needing a supple branch': Joseph Brodsky and the poetics of exile, Cordite Poetry Review
Bring-Your-Own-Device or prescribed mobile technology? Investigating student preferences for mobile learning, In mLearn 2016, 15th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning, 24-25 October, Sydney, NSW
Who needs support? Perceptions of institutional support by Indigenous Australian students, The UNESCO Observatory Multi-Disciplinary E-Journal in the Arts, 4(1)
The space for social media in structured online learning, Research in Learning Technology
Evaluating the role of universities in the formation of centres of competence and entrepreneurship, Advanced Research in Economics and Management
Badges in the Carpe Diem MOOC, In Rhetoric and Reality: Critical perspectives on educational technology ASCILITE Conference. Dunedin, New Zealand, 23-26 November
Researching Indigenous Australian success in higher education: A case-study of an Australian university, Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia Newsletter, Vol. 34, Issue 2
In search of a culture of Indigenous academic success, The Australian Anthropological Society Newsletter; No. 126, June
Indigenous Australian Students’ Participation Rates in Higher Education, The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education, Vol. 40, pp. 1-10
A case for culturally-safe environment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in Australian universities, Government Submission, Review of Higher Education Access and Outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People
Background Paper on Indigenous Australian Higher Education: Trends, Initiatives and Policy Implications, Department of Employment, Education and Workplace Relations
Federal and State Government responsibilities in support of international students, Industry report, the Council of Australian Postgraduate Associations
International students and the system of higher education: International experience, Vestnik Scientific Journal of Saratov State Technical University, Vol. 17, No. 4, Ed. 2; pp.146-150
International students as a factor of modernisation of regional education system, Region as seen by students, a collection of student essays
International students as a factor of economic development of Russian education, Societal aspirations and strategies of social change
Sociocultural transformations and the process of higher education globalization, Russia’s national security and the perspectives of contemporary development
Problems of Russian youth in the context of globalisation processes, Russia’s national security and the perspectives of contemporary development
Formation of societal values among youth in informal groups, Directions of the contemporary civilisation development
Action research into information resources for people with disabilities, Empowering democracy with(in) university – academia for critical thinking and inclusion
Social work and electronic resources in education, Information technologies in education
Digital resources on the issues of children with limited abilities, Gender, power, culture: socio-anthropological approach