A film scholar and a film musicologist, Emilio Audissino (University of Southampton) holds one PhD in History of Visual and Performing Arts from the University of Pisa, Italy, and one PhD in Film Studies from the University of Southampton, UK.
He specialises in Hollywood and Italian cinema, and his interests are film analysis, screenwriting, film style and technique, comedy, horror, and film sound and music. He has published journal articles, book chapters, and encyclopedia entries on the history and analysis of films from the silent era to contemporary cinema. He has taught film history, technique and theory at the Universities of Genoa, Southampton, Utrecht, West London, and UNINT Rome.
He is the author of the monograph John Williams's Film Music: 'Jaws', 'Star Wars', 'Raiders of the Lost Ark' and the Return of the Classical Hollywood Music Style (University of Wisconsin Press, 2014), the first book-length study in English on the composer, and the editor of the collection of essays John Williams. Music for Films, Television and the Concert Stage (Brepols, 2018). His book Film/Music Analysis. A Film Studies Approach (Palgrave MacMillan, 2017) concerns a method for audiovisual analysis that blends Neoformalism and Gestalt Psychology. More recently, he co-edited (with Emile Wennekes) the volume Cinema Changes: Incorporations of Jazz in the Film Soundtrack (Brepols, 2019). He is also an active and award-winning screenwriter.