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Emilio Rolán Álvarez

Catedrático de Genética, Universidade de Vigo

Professor of Genetics with interest in the field of adaptation, speciation, sexual selection and evolution in general. Doctor in Biological Sciences by Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (1993). Award of Degree and Doctorate. Postdoctoral Researcher in the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (1994-1995). Enjoyed a sabbatical period in the University of California Irvine for 2013-2014 collaborating with Dr. A.D. Briscoe. Author of more than 90 papers, h-index 31. Belongs to the Editorial Board of the Journal of Evolutionary Biology and it has been referee of more than 130 papers ( Belongs to the Genetics (Spanish) and Evolutionary Biology Societies (Spain and Europe) and participates since 2018 in the national committee of the Spanish Evolutionary Society (SESBE). Ranked as one of the most productive Spanish researchers in Evolutionary Biology ( Actually involved in education experiences like the building of a WEB page for teaching Evolution (


  • –present
    Catedrático de Genética, Universidade de Vigo


  • 1988 
    Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Biología