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Emma Cowley

Senior Teaching Fellow, Podiatry, University of Southampton

Since discovering the profession of podiatry at the age of 19 I knew I didn't want to train as anything other than a podiatrist. I have since realised that was just the start of a career that would take me into academia, where my clinical preparation would prepare me for broader roles and projects in higher education, and also with overarching bodies including Health Education England and the Office for Students.

I qualified as a podiatrist here in Southampton in 1995 and soon moved into specialist musculoskeletal practice. I found enjoyment in taking in Southampton undergraduates on clinical practice placements and knew then that I was suited to a career in education and research. I moved into education after eight years in the NHS into a clinical academic post in the South West and completed my MSc and PhD before returning to Southampton to continue my postdoctoral career.

My scholarly portfolio includes experience from a wide range of roles and projects. My professional contribution has enabled me to bring cutting-edge curriculum development to complement the research I and the podiatry team build the syllabus with. As chair of MSK:UK (a large special interest and advisory group affiliated to the Royal College of Podiatry), I was invited to prepare evidence for Parliamentary select committee in the Workplace Dresscode debate in 2016, and then co-author a position stance paper for the Royal College of Podiatry on musculoskeletal capability of podiatry. This led to other projects authoring the Podiatry Career Framework and the Musculoskeletal Capability Framework of the the Royal College of Podiatry. In the last year I have worked with the Science Council and the Royal College of Podiatry to develop a pathway towards the highest level of recognition (chartered scientist) with the addition of Registered Scientist and Registered Scientist Technician. Mapping the undergraduate podiatry degree to the RSci level has directly brought value to our graduates who can then apply for the award.

I am currently Dean of the Faculty of Podiatric Medicine of the Royal College of Podiatry and Chair-emeritus of MSK:UK (2012-2022), bringing strategic insight and expertise to the University of Southampton podiatry programme. I work with resarchers and educators from across the Globe and am excited to be researching with citizen scientists as well as researchers and students.
My current research focusses on function and health of the foot and ankle, practice placement simulationa and the perceptions of feet among the public.

Having won a prestigious Gold Medal from the Royal College of Podiatry in 2022, I am never more aware of the value and impact that podiatry brings when we work together for the greater good.


  • 2019–present
    Senior Teaching Fellow, University of Southampton
  • 2004–2019
    Lecturer, University of Plymouth
  • 2003–2004
    Clinical Academic Podiatrist, University of Plymouth / Cornwall IoS NHS Trust
  • 2002–2003
    Lecturer, Staffordshire University
  • 1997–2002
    Senior I Podiatrist, Isle of Wight Healthcare NHS Trust
  • 1995–1997
    Senior II Podiatrist, Isle of Wight Healthcare NHS Trust


  • 2019 
    University of Plymouth, PhD
  • 2006 
    University of Plymouth, PGCert
  • 2005 
    Staffordshire University, MSc
  • 1995 
    University of Southampton, BSc (Hons)

Professional Memberships

  • Royal College of Podiatry
  • Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow
  • The Science Council