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Lecturer in Criminology, Deakin University

I hold a Bachelor of Arts, a Post-graduate Diploma in Criminology and a Master of Arts from The University of Melbourne. My Phd was completed at Monash University and examined policy and practice around the use of Tasers by police in Australia. After graduating I worked for the Office of Police Integrity in Victoria, and for a short time at the Independent Broad-based Anti-Corruption Commission (IBAC) before taking up an ongoing academic position at Deakin University early in 2015. I held the role of Course Director of the Bachelor of Criminology for six years until November 2022, and now intend to bring my focus back to research and advocacy in the area of police accountability.


  • –present
    Teaching Scholar in Criminology, Deakin University


  • 2012 
    Monash University, PhD