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Teaching Fellow in Philosophy of Medicine, UCL

I am Lecturer in Philosophy of Science and Medicine at UCL Department of Science and Technology Studies. I am interested in epistemological and methodological questions regarding scientific and medical practices. In particular I am interested in philosophical questions regarding the use of scientific knowledge and expertise in policy making and governance. In my doctoral research I focus on how the socio-political context of diseases shape scientific practices and scientific knowledge, with particular emphasis on neglected tropical diseases. Since then I have been working mainly in philosophy of science and medicine with expertise in scientific pluralism, American pragmatism, social epistemology. I also worked as a consultant on Adverse Outcome Pathway report, commissioned by the European Commissions Joint Research Centre.


  • 2017–present
    Teaching Fellow in Philosophy of Medicine , UCL Department of Science and Technology Studies


  • 2018 
    UCL, PhD Philosophy of Medicine
  • 2013 
    Imperial College London, MSc Science, Technology, Medicine and Society
  • 2012 
    University of Dundee, BSc (Hons) Biological Chemistry and Drug Discovery