Gabriel Wainer (FSCS, SMIEEE) was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He received the M.C.S. (1993) and Ph.D. degrees (1998, with highest honors) in Computer Science from the Universidad de Buenos Aires and IUSPIM (now Polytech de Marseille), Université Aix Marseille, (France).
In July 2000, he joined the Department of Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University (Ottawa, ON, Canada), where he is now a Full Professor and Associate Chair for Graduate Studies. Previously he was Assistant Professor in the Computer Science Department at the Universidad de Buenos Aires, and he was a visiting scholar or invited Professor in different Universities, including the Arizona Center of Integrated Modelling and Simulation (ACIMS, University of Arizona), Laboratory of Systems Sciences of Marseille (LSIS-CNRS), University of Nice, Université Paul Cézanne (Marseille), IMS (Bordeaux, France), INRIA Sophia-Antipolis (France), Computer Science Department (UBA, Argentina), Applied Mathematics Institute (UBA, Argentina), National University of Rosario (Argentina) Universidad Complutense de Madrid and Universidad Politécnica de Catalonia (Spain). The Advanced Real-Time Simulation lab was an Associate Team of INRIA
Prof. Wainer was Vice-President Conferences was Vice-President Publications, and a member of the Board of Directors of the The Society for Computer Simulation International (SCS) (1998-2000: International Section; 2004-2006: M&S Methodologies Council; Member-at-large 2011-17). He is a Certified Professional on Modeling and Simulation, and one of the Charter Members of the MSPCC (Modelling and Simulation Professional Certification Commision). He was a chair of the DEVS standardization study group (SISO).
He is Special Issues Editor of the Transactions of the Society for Computer Simulation International (SCS), member of the Editorial Board of IEEE Computing in Science and Engineering, Wireless Networks (Elsevier), Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation (SAGE), and the International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling (Inderscience).
He has served as paper reviewer, session chair, and conference organizer in different organizations.
Prof. Wainer's is author of a book on Real-Time systems, three other on Discrete-Event Simulation and over 350 articles in different venues. He has collaborated in the organization of over 170 conferences in the area (including the co-founding of the Symposium of Theory of Modeling and Simulation - TMS/DEVS, SIMUTools and the start of SimAUD). His research interests are focused in the areas of Discrete Event Modelling and Simulation, parallel and distributed simulation, and Real-Time systems (with special focus in operating systems and scheduling).
He is the head of the Advanced Real-Time Simulation lab, located at Carleton University's Centre for advanced Simulation and Visualization (V-Sim). He is a member of the Real-Time and Distributed Systems lab at Carleton University.
He has received funding from numerous sources, both public and private. Up to date he has received over 3.2M$ as Principal Investigator, and over 1.1M$ as co-applicant of numerous grants totaling over 30M$. I have supervised 5 Postdoctoral fellows, 10 PhD students, 1 Research Assistant, 54 Masters and over 100 4th year Engineering students since 1997. I currently supervise 1 Postdoctoral fellow, 6 PhD students, and 5 Masters students (two new PhD students have been accepted to begin in September 2016).
He has been the recipient of various awards, including the IBM Eclipse Innovation Award, a Leadership award by the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, various Best Paper awards. He has been awarded Carleton University's Research Achievement Award (2005 and 2014), the First Bernard P. Zeigler DEVS Modeling and Simulation Award (2010), the SCS Outstanding Professional Award (2011), Carleton University’s Mentorship Award (2013), and the SCS Distinguished Service Award (2015). He is a Fellow of SCS (2016) and a recipient of the Nepean's Canada 150 Anniversary Medal (2017).
Fellow, Society for Modeling and Simulation International