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Ganda Febri Kurniawan

I am an assistant professor on Southeast Asian history at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Republic of Indonesia. I focussed to study political history in Southeast Asia area. I am researching history as narratives and history in education. I have collaborated with some researcher from abroad. My aims to enhance history as sciences and history in education, so, I have should critically study on both.


  • –present
    Research Committee, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, UNNES
  • –present
    Managing Editor, Paramita: Historical Studies Journal
  • –present
    Editor-in-Chief, Indonesian Journal of History Education


  • 2019 
    Universitas Sebelas Maret, Master of History Education
  • 2017 
    Universitas Negeri Semarang, Bachelor of History Education

Professional Memberships

  • Indonesian Historians Society in Central Java