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Research Associate in the School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University

I'm a researcher in the School of Social Sciences at Cardiff University. My work focuses on the lived experience and justice implications of low carbon technologies and infrastructure change.
I talk to people about energy. Then write about it.

My research background is in policy, science and technology studies specialising in the social acceptability of socio-technical transitions, particularly in the field of energy. My most recent research has examined issues of justice, vulnerability and social acceptability relating to transitions towards more flexible energy systems, and the ways identities and experiences rooted in place shape citizens' concerns and desires for transitions towards a low carbon economy. Wider interests include discourse and institutional theory, and novel methods for bringing identity and emotional attachment into public deliberations over sociotechnical change.


  • –present
    Research Associate at School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University


  • 2015 
    University of Birmingham, PhD