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Doctorante en santé publique, Inserm

After a Bachelor’s Degree in Physics at “La Sapienza” University of Rome, Giulia Pullano got a Master's Degree in Physics of Complex Systems at University of Turin in 2017. She undertook a Master internship in collaboration with ISI Foundation investigating the dynamics behind the emergence of novelties and innovation. Since December 2017 she joined EPIcx Lab as PhD student supervised by Dott. Vittoria Colizza by getting a CIFRE contract with Orange S.A.

Research activities

Giulia’s PhD project aims at modeling the social and mobility dimensions in the 2014 West Africa Ebola virus epidemic through mobile phone data. Her principal research activity during the PhD was focused on assessing mobility definition and resolution needed to inform predictive epidemic models for spatial transmission from mobile phone data. Since January 2020, she works exclusively on COVID-2019 pandemic assessment. At the beginning, she worked to assess the risk of importing COVID-19 into European and African countries. Once local transmission of Covid-19 starts also in Europe, Giulia has been involved in modeling COVID-19 epidemic in France. Her principal work was on quantifying the detection rate of symptomatic cases between May and June. She worked also on evaluating the effect of demographic, socioeconomic factors, and risk aversion on mobility during the COVID-19 epidemic in France through mobility indicators provided by Orange MNO.


  • –present
    Doctorante en santé publique, Inserm