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Senior Lecturer, School of Computing and Mathematics, Keele University

I have a multidisciplinary background; I'm currently a part time senior lecturer at Keele University, and director of a consultancy company. I'm particularly interested in ways of handling human knowledge, including ways of eliciting knowledge from human beings, ways of representing it, ways of testing it for error, and ways of teaching it.

I worked on the Voynich Manuscript to test a method for finding errors in people's reasoning about difficult problems; that method found a key error in previous work.

Much of my current work involves testing user-friendly versions of components from that method, in industry and in education.

I'm co-author with Professor Marian Petre of "The Unwritten Rules of PhD Research". I'm co-author with Joe D'Agnese of "Blind Spot", which is the story of my work on the Voynich Manuscript, and of the broader implications of that work.

I've published in a range of journals and periodicals, including Scientific American, Laterality, IEE Software, The Journal of Autism and Development Disorders, PalaeoAnthropology, Cryptologia, and the International Journal of Human/Computer Studies. My work has featured in several television documentaries.


  • –present
    XXX, Keele University