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PhD Candidate Political Science, Deputy Director Centre for the Study of Security and Development, Dalhousie University

I am a mature PhD student at Dalhousie University examining failed/failing states, with focus on Afghanistan. I am part of Dalhousie's 2021 OpenThink cohort. As noted above, I hold 4 MA degrees. I have more than 25 years field development experience in Africa and Asia, including some 7 years in Afghanistan with the Asian Development Bank and with a multi-donor funded civil society strengthening project. My assessment of Cambodia's post-1993 transition to democracy and development was published jointly in 1998 by Brookings Institution Press and the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD).


  • –present
    PhD Candidate Political Science, Deputy Director Centre for the Study of Security and Development, Dalhousie University


  • 2017 
    Carleton University, Harvard University, Dalhousie University, King's College , 4 MA degrees - International Affairs, Public Administration, English, Creative Non-Fiction