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Research Assistant in Conservation Science, University of Oxford

Conservation is as much about people, as it is about saving species and wild spaces. Thus the majority of my research uses methods drawn from the social sciences in order to understand human behaviour in complex socio-ecological systems.

I am currently a RA at the Interdisclipinary Centre of Conservation Science, my research uses experimental approaches to understand the what, where, when, who and why of hunting in a Protected Area. The research is part of a wider NERC funded project which aims to improve how observational data collected by rangers can be used to improve management of Protected Areas.


  • –present
    Research Assistant in Conservation Science, University of Oxford


  • 2015 
    Imperial College, London, MSc Conservation Science
  • 2011 
    University of East Anglia, BSc Environmental Geography & International Development


  • 2017
    Conserving a globally threatened species in a semi-natural, agrarian landscape, Oryx,