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Emeritus Professor, University of Tasmania

Professor Walters graduated in Natural Science and Medicine from Oxford University in 1975 with First Class Honours. He did postgraduate medical training and research in the UK, obtaining FRCP and DM. He was a post doc fellow at CVRI, University of California San Francisco with Fulbright Senior Scholarship. Professor Walters came to Australia in 1992 as Foundation Professor of Respiratory Medicine at Monash University and Director of Respiratory Medicine at the Alfred Hospital. In 2001 he moved to Hobart as Professor of Medicine and Clinical Chief of Medicine at the Royal Hobart Hospital. From 2011, he Directed the NHMRC-funded CRE for Chronic Respiratory Disease and held a NHMRC Senior Practitioner Fellowship. He (Semi)-retired at the end of 2016.


  • –present
    Professorial Fellow, University of Tasmania