Imelda Phadtare is has two Environmental Science degrees and is a Visiting Research Fellow at the Global Sustainability Institute and a Senior Consultant at E Co. Ltd. Group. She is an international expert in natural resource, climate change and disaster management.
Imelda co-led the overall development of The Global Chaos Map Project. She researches the link between natural resource scarcity and social fragility leading to conflict. This research should demonstrate the opportunity for early intervention policy and action, to better manage natural resources and the rise of related social conflict.
Imelda has lead humanitarian projects in Greece (Lesvos Island and Athens) with ActionAid UK, advised on climate resilience projects with Norwegian Church Aid and AusAID in Vietnam, Lao PDF, Cambodia and Brazil. Imelda has lived in Canada where she delivered corporate social sustainability and climate change programs to business and utilities. She was an Instructor with University British Columbia where she delivered training to mid professionals in: operational business sustainability, urban food resilience systems, and green marketing. She has worked for the NSW Government on inter-state policy development for water resource management in drought, and solid waste management in Sydney Metropolitan.