Dr Iyan Offor is a Lecturer in Law at Birmingham City University, conducting interdisciplinary, theoretical research focusing on global animal law, environmental justice, intersectionality, posthumanism and law in the Anthropocene.
Iyan is passionate about delivering legal education and research that will lead to the improvement of protections for animals and the environment in law. Iyan teaches international environmental law and human rights, legal theory, legal research, and constitutional law. He will also be creating a new course on animals in environmental law.
Iyan was previously a global research fellow at the Center for Animal Law Studies. He was also a sessional lecturer at the University of Strathclyde and a visiting lecturer at Aarhus University, Lewis & Clark Law School, and Wageningen University and Research. Iyan has held visiting scholar positions at the Center for Animal Law Studies (Lewis & Clark Law School) and the Global Animal Law Section of the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law. Iyan is an affiliate member of the Strathclyde Centre for Environmental Law & Governance, and a member of the Scottish Steering Committee for the UK Centre for Animal Law.