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Jacob Crouse

Research Fellow in Youth Mental Health, Brain and Mind Centre, University of Sydney

I'm a National Health & Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Research Fellow at the University of Sydney's Brain and Mind Centre.

I lead a program of research funded by the NHMRC and Wellcome Trust that combines biologic, clinical, wearable, and subjective measures to shed light on the causes of mental disorders in young people (particularly depression and bipolar disorder), and to better understand the factors that shape people's clinical trajectories (particularly during early phases).

My major interest is in the potential role that dysregulation of the brain and body's circadian clocks might play in the emergence of depressive and bipolar disorders. The objective of this work is to integrate measures of brain, body, and environment to understand what the circadian system can teach us about mood disorders, and to potentially uncover new targets for treatments.


  • 2022–2024
    Research fellow , Brain and Mind Centre, The University of Sydney