I am an applied social psychologist who specializes in organizational psychology. My research focuses largely on positive organizational psychology and my point of entry for studying this topic is often the on-boarding process. I am the lead editor of the market-leading textbook on applied social psychology which is in its third edition. I am also the founding Chair of the Canadian Positive Psychology Association. I have appeared in media outlets such as NBC news, Time magazine, Oprah, Inc, and Fast Company. In Canada, I've been featured and quoted across the country in print and online in magazines such as MoneySense, Canadian Business, Canadian Living, and Chatelaine, trade journals such as HR Professional and Public Sector Digest, and newspapers in every major Canadian city. I've appeared on CTV’s Canada AM, Global News, Report on Business Television (aka Business News Network), CBC’s The National, and have been syndicated on CBC radio. In addition to speaking at numerous academic and professional conferences I've consulted and delivered seminars for Fortune 500 corporations, public, and not-for-profit organizations including General Motors, Departments and Agencies of the Government of Canada, and the Children’s Wish Foundation.