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Lecturer in Human Nutrition and Dietetics, Glasgow Caledonian University

I am an HCPC-registered Dietitian and a Registered Public Health Nutritionist, with clinical and research experience in obesity management and in optimising nutrition of older people with dementia. She teaches various aspects of nutrition to students on several undergraduate and Master-level programmes.

After graduating with a BSc (Hons) in plant science from St Andrews University in 1982 I completed a PhD in plant science at the University of Wales in 1986. Several post doctoral research fellowships followed in the field of plant molecular biology (Edinburgh, Glasgow and Saskatchewan, Canada) and I ultimately worked on chromosome walking towards the site of a gene involved in the signal transduction pathway for blue light perception in Arabidopsis thaliana.


  • –present
    Lecturer in Human Nutrition and Dianetics, Glasgow Caledonian University