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Jessica Armitage

Research associate, Cardiff University

My research uses large longitudinal cohorts to understand time trends in youth mental health. I am particularly interested in population-level changes, and in understanding why some are more resilient than others when presented with life’s stresses and strains.


  • 2017–2021
    PhD , University of Bristol


  • 2017 
    University of Bristol, Master of Science


  • 2021
    Peer victimisation during adolescence and its impact on wellbeing in adulthood: A prospective cohort study., BMC Public Health
  • 2021
    Positive wellbeing and resilience following adolescent victimisation: An exploration into protective factors across developmentPositive wellbeing and resilience following adolescent victimisation: An exploration into protective factors across development., JCPPA
  • 2021
    A Polygenic Approach to Understanding Resilience to Peer Victimisation, Behavoir Genetics