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Director, Collaborative Technologies Laboratory, University of Michigan

Joseph Hardin is the Director of the Collaborative Technologies Laboratory in the Duderstadt Center, and a Clinical Assistant Professor in the School of Information, at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

He is leading the CompreHensive collaborativE Framework (CHEF) project that is developing an open source framework and tools for course management systems, workgroup support, and support of online research, with support from NSF, NIH and U Michigan. (see

Joseph is also the Chairman of the Board for the Sakai Project, where the University of Michigan, Indiana University, MIT, Stanford, the uPortal Consortium, and the Open Knowledge Initiative (OKI) are joining forces to integrate and synchronize their considerable educational software into a modular, pre-integrated collection of open source tools. (see

Joseph has managed development of online collaboration systems for a good while, including when he was Associate Director of Software Development at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) at the University of Illinois-UC, from the early to the late 90ˆs. He is also a founder and board member of the International World Wide Web Conference Committee, (see and is teaching a graduate course on the Semantic Web for this Winter (see


  • –present
    Director of the Collaborative Technologies Laboratory, Duderstadt Center, University of Michigan