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Professor of Human Resources and Organizational Behaviour, University of Saskatchewan

Dr. Schmidt’s research is focussed on understanding how strategy, human resource management, and leadership interact to influence employee behaviours and firm performance. He also studies the precursors of group effectiveness and the multilevel influences of group processes on individual and team outcomes. He has published research in a number of practitioner publications and scholarly journals including Personnel Psychology, Psychological Bulletin, Journal of Organizational Behavior, and Journal of Business and Psychology.

Prior to joining the Edwards School of Business in 2011, Dr. Schmidt worked in the Vancouver office for the global consulting firm Hay Group, specializing in talent management, performance management, and compensation. He worked in Human Resources for an engineering consulting firm in Calgary before pursuing graduate studies. He also completed a variety of consulting projects for clients in both the public and private sectors as a graduate student.


  • 2011–present
    Professor of Human Resources and Organizational Behaviou, University of Saskatchewan


  • 2008 
    University of Calgary, PhD, Industrial / Organizational Psychology