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Lecturer in Law, Cardiff University

Julie Doughty PhD. graduated in law at the University of Bristol, and subsequently qualified as a solicitor, working in private practice for more than ten years. In 1993 she joined local government and transferred to CAFCASS (Children & Family Court Advisory & Support Service) as a team manager in 2001. She joined Cardiff Law School in 2003 as a researcher on a number of empirical research studies on care proceedings; expert witnesses; and children's views on media access to courts. She was appointed a Lecturer in Law in 20111. Recent research projects include personal welfare disputes in the Court of Protection, led by Professor Phil Fennell and the Wales Adoption Study, led by Dr Katherine Shelton (School of Psychology). In March 2017, Julie published a report on her research on published family court judgments, funded by the Nuffield Foundation.

In 2015, Julie established the Children's Social Care Law in Wales website for social workers, foster carers and advisers in Wales. She is a consultant editor, on the law in Wales, for the encylopaedia on Children Law and Practice (Hershman and McFarlane).

Julie teaches on the LLB Media Law and Equity & Trusts modules and is programme convenor for the LLM in Social Care Law, for which she teaches Social Care Rights and The Child & the State.

She is a trustee and founder member of The Transparency Project, which aims to make the family justice system clearer.


  • –present
    Lecturer in Media Law and Family Law, Cardiff University


  • 2012 
    Cardiff University, PhD