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Julie Wharton

Senior Lecturer and NASENCo Course Leader, Institute of Education, University of Winchester

Julie was awarded her PhD in February 2023. Entitled 'Children seeking sanctuary and the welcoming teacher: inclusive relationships and Martin Buber's philosophy of dialogue', her thesis explores the ways in which teachers might welcome and include children who have been forced to migrate in their classrooms. Julie has also had the opportunity to work as part of the European Improving Teaching to Improve Refugee Education (ITIRE) project.

Julie joined the University in 2014, having spent seven years working as an SEND Inspector in a Local Authority. During this time she was The Virtual Headteacher for children in care. Prior to this she was an Advanced Skills Teacher for Special Educational Needs.

The University of Winchester is a University of Sanctuary.


  • 2014–2023
    Senior Lecturer, University of Winchester