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Laura Di Domenico

Doctorante en santé publique, Inserm

In October 2019, Laura obtained from the University of Trento a Master Degree in Mathematics for Life and Data Science, with a focus on modeling, statistics and analysis of biosystems. She joined the EPIcx Lab in March 2019. Starting November 2019, she is carrying out her PhD research in Public Health under the supervision of Vittoria Colizza.

Research activities

Laura is interested in mathematical models for the spreading of infectious diseases. Her master project at EPIcx lab dealt with the development a novel methodology to account for heterogeneous infectious period distributions in an SIS epidemic model. Her PhD project focuses on assessing the socio-behavioral response to 2014 West Africa Ebola virus epidemic. Relying on high-resolution data in space and time collected from mobile phones, she is investigating how adaptation in human mobility impacted the observed spatial transmission of Ebola in Guinea. Starting January 2020, Laura has been involved in modeling works in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in France. Using a compartmental age-structured epidemic model and empirical contact data, she is providing real-time analysis to assess the current epidemic situation and to quantify the expected impact of interventions.


  • –present
    Doctorante en santé publique, Inserm