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Trial Co-ordinator and Research Therapist, Swinburne University of Technology

Dr Leila Jameel is a Trial Co-ordinator and Research Therapist on the AMETHYST trial at Swinburne University, which is investigating psychological therapies for people who hear voices:

She is also a clinical supervisor at the Swinburne University Voices Clinic team:

Leila holds a research PhD in Clinical Neuropsychology and trained as a Clinical Psychologist in the UK. Leila previously worked at a leading clinic in London for people with psychosis and on the STAR trial investigating trauma-focused therapy for people with psychosis.

Leila's areas of expertise are within complex mental health (psychosis, bipolar, PTSD and complex trauma), neurodiversity and neurodisability. Leila has experience in using digital technologies like smartphone apps or virtual reality to enhance psychological therapy. Leila has also worked as a trainer, lecturer, supervisor and tutor at universities in the UK, including King's College London.

Leila's PhD explored everyday cognitive functioning and social behaviour across the autism spectrum. Leila's current research seeks to reduce health inequalities and improve the effectiveness of psychological approaches for people with psychosis. A list of her journal publications can be found below.

Leila has also contributed to professional publications for the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST) and the Association of Clinical Psychologists UK (ACP-UK) - titles of these are shared below

2022 - The "Our Stories" Project: Understanding the needs, experiences and challenges of trainee, aspiring and qualified clinical psychologists from minoritised backgrounds, ACP-UK
2022 - Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Context and Strategy for Clinical Psychology, ACP-UK
2022 - Assistant Psychologists: Ensuring quality supervision and service provision, ACP-UK
2015 - Body worn video in UK policing, POSTbrief 14
2015 - Trends in Crime and Criminal Justics, POSTnote 507


  • 2024–present
    Trial Co-ordinator and Research Therapist, Swinburne University of Technology
  • 2024–present
    Honorary Clinical Psychologist, South London and the Maudsley NHS Trust
  • 2023–2023
    Principal Tutor, Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, King's College London
  • 2020–2023
    Clinical Psychologist , South London and the Maudsley NHS Trust


  • 2020 
    King's College London , Doctorate in Clinical Psychology
  • 2016 
    University College London, PhD in Clinical Neuropsychology
  • 2012 
    University College London, MSc in Cognitive Neuroscience
  • 2012 
    University College London, BSc in Psychology


  • 2024
    Evaluating the experiences of a staff equality, diversity and inclusion reflective space, Reflective Practice, Vol. 25, no. 2
  • 2023
    A call for digital inclusion initiatives in mental health services: An integrative review, Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, Vol 30, no. 5
  • 2022
    mHealth technology to assess, monitor and treat daily functioning difficulties in people with severe mental illness: A systematic review , Journal of Psychiatric Research, Vol 145
  • 2021
    Is there an association between caregiver antipathy and psychosis? A systematic review., Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, Vol 94, no. 3
  • 2019
    Thinking about other's mistakes: contrasting patterns of performance in high or low autistic and psychopathic traits, Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, Vol 24. no 5
  • 2018
    Moral reasoning about everyday situations in adults with autism spectrum disorder, Research in Autism Spectrum Disorder, Vol 52
  • 2017
    Derailing the trolley: Everyday utilitarian judgments in groups high versus low in psychopathic traits, Psychiatry Research, Vol 250
  • 2017
    Parents' perspectives of a specialist CAMHS team for children with disabilities and their families, Good Autism Practice, Vol 18, no. 1
  • 2016
    The influence of subclinical psychopathic traits on responding to others' awkward requests, Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, Vol 21. no 3
  • 2016
    Using and reasoning about social strategies in autism spectrum disorder in everyday situations, Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, Vol 25
  • 2015
    Great expectations: the role of rules in guiding pro-social behaviour in groups with high versus low autistic traits, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Vol 45, no. 8
  • 2014
    Only human: Scientists, systems and suspect statistics, Opticon1826
  • 2014
    Going 'above and beyond': are those high in autistic traits less pro-social?, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Vol 44, no. 8