FERNÁNDEZ-GARCÍA, V., MARCOS, E., FERNÁNDEZ-GUISURAGA, J.M., FERNÁNDEZ-MANSO, A., QUINTANO, C., SUÁREZ-SEOANE, S., CALVO L. 2021. Multiple Endmember Spectral Mixture Analysis (MESMA) applied to the study of habitat diversity in the Fine-Grained Landscapes of the Cantabrian Mountains, Remote Sensing 13, 979
FERNÁNDEZ-GARCÍA, V., MARCOS, E., HUERTA, S., CALVO, L. 2021. Soil-vegetation relationships in Mediterranean forest after fire, Forest Ecosystems 8:18
BELTRÁN-MARCOS, D., SUÁREZ-SEOANE, S., FERNÁNDEZ-GUISURAGA, J.M., FERNÁNDEZ-GARCÍA, V., PINTO. R., GARCÍA-LLAMAS, P., CALVO L. 2021. Mapping soil burn severity at very high spatial resolution from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), Forests, 12, 179
HUERTA, S., FERNÁNDEZ-GARCÍA, V., MARCOS E., SUÁREZ-SEOANE, S., CALVO, L. 2021. Physiological and Regenerative Plant Traits Explain Vegetation Regeneration under Different Severity Levels in Mediterranean Ecosystems, Forests, 12, 149
FERNÁNDEZ-GUISURAGA, J.M., VERRELST, J., CALVO, L., SUÁREZ-SEOANE, S. 2021. Hybrid inversion of radiative transfer models based on high spatial resolution satellite reflectance data improves fractional vegetation cover retrieval in heterogeneous ecological systems after fire, Remote Sensing of Environment, 255, 112304
QUINTANO, C., FERNÁNDEZ-MANSO, A., SUÁREZ-SEOANE, S., CALVO, L., 2020. Sentinel-2 red-edge spectral indexes best suited to discriminate burned from unburned areas in Mediterranean forest ecosystems, Proc. SPIE 11504. Imaging Spectrometry XXIV: Applications, Sensors, and Processing. 115040J
HUERTA, S., FERNÁNDEZ-GARCÍA, V., MARCOS, E., CALVO, L. 2020. Soil Resistance to Burn Severity in Different Forest Ecosystems in the Framework of a Wildfire, Forests,11, 773
FERNÁNDEZ-GUISURAGA, J.M., SUÁREZ-SEOANE, S., CALVO, L. 2020. Transferibility of vegetation recovery models bosed on remote sensing across different fire regime, Applied Vegetation Science, 23: 441-451
GARCÍA LLAMAS, P., SUAREZ-SEOANE, S., FERNÁNDEZ-MANSO, A., QUINTANO, C., CALVO, L. 2020. Evaluation of fire severity in fire prone-ecosystems of Spain under two different environmental conditions, Journal on Environmental Management, 271, 110706
FERNÁNDEZ-GUISURAGA, P., CALVO, L., SUAREZ-SEOANE, S. 2020. Comparison of pixel unmixing models in the evaluation of post-fire forest resilience based on temporal series of satellite imagery at moderate and very high spatial resolution, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 164, 217-228
PÉREZ-RODRIGUEZ, L.A., QUINTANO, C. MARCOS, E., SUÁREZ-SEOANE, S., CALVO, L., FERNÁNDEZ-MANSO, A. 2020. Evaluation of prescribed fires from Unmanaged Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) imagery and machine learning algorithms, Remote sensing 12, 1295
SAENZ DE MIERA, L.E., PINTO, R., GUTIÉRREZ-GONZÁLEZ, J.J., CALVO, L., ANSOLA, G. 2020. Wildfire effects on diversity and composition in soil bacterial communities, Science of the Total Environment, 726. 138636
FERNÁNDEZ-GARCÍA, V., MARCOS, E., REYES, O., CALVO, L. 2020. Do fire regime attributes affect soil biochemical properties in the same way under different environmental conditions?, Forests, 11(3), 274
FERNÁNDEZ-GARCÍA, V., MARCOS, E., FULÉ, P.Z., REYES, O., SANTANA, V. CALVO, L. 2020. Fire regime shape diversity and traits of vegetation under different climatic conditions, Science of the Total Environment, 716: 137137
QUINTANO, C., FERNÁNDEZ-MANSO, A., MARCOS, E., CALVO, L. 2019. Burn severity and post-fire land surface albedo relationship in Mediterranean forest ecosystems, Remote Sensing, 11: 2309