Lucia Scodanibbio is the Adaptation at Scale in Semi-Arid Regions (ASSAR) Project Manager at ACDI, responsible for coordination of activities across the ASSAR consortium - composed of UCT, the University of East Anglia, OXFAM, the Indian Institute of Human Settlements and START.
ASSAR is part of a larger multi-consortium research programme, CARIAA (Collaborative Adaptation Research in Africa and Asia), funded by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and DFID. She leads the project management unit under the direction of the ACDI director, overseeing research activities, financial reporting, monitoring and evaluation, knowledge management, organisational and human resources management. She also ensures that project deliverables and activities from all project partners are on track, and interacts with external bodies and partners, including the CARIAA management team at IDRC.
Previously, Lucia worked in the United Nations Environment Programme regional office for Latin America and the Caribbean, coordinating a project on integrated coastal management in Central America; at the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands Secretariat in Switzerland, assisting the Africa team; and in Mozambique, creating awareness on the impacts of hydropower dams. She has an undergraduate degree in Ecology and Environmental Sciences from UCT, and a Masters in Environmental Planning from the University of British Columbia.