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Adjunct Researcher, University of Tasmania

I am an astrophysicist who studies the bombardment of the earth by particle radiation called cosmic rays. This radiation is strongly influenced by the sun and its dominating influence in the solar system so I am also very interested in the sun and its behaviour. On rare occasions the sun creates cosmic rays too.

My studies look at the structure of the inner solar system and how that affects the arrival of cosmic rays at earth. I also look at the effects of cosmic rays on us.

The practical side of this is part of what is broadly known as Space Weather - the impact that variations in the space environment have on us and our technology. Storms from the sun can damage satellites and cosmic rays cause increased radiation exposure when you fly in a jet. Both of these are areas of interest to me.

I am now retired though still an active researcher and my 30+ year career with the Australian Antarctic Division saw me working with my radiation detection equipment in Antarctica. Visiting Antarctica is an experience of exceptional impact on anyone lucky enough to have been there.

I am a past President of the Australian Institute of Physics and long term Secretary of the Astronomical Society of Australia and serve or have served on several other national and international committees. I have published hundreds of scientific papers and have a passion for communicating science to the general public in as many ways as possible.


  • 2007–present
    Treasurer / Vice President / President / Immediate Past President, Australian Institute of Physics
  • 1990–present
    President and Chairman of the Board / Senior Vice President, Christ College Foundation
  • 1985–present
    Secretary, Astronomical Society of Australia
  • 1984–present
    Hon Lecturer / Senior Lecturer / Research Associate / Adjunct Researcher, University of Tasmania
  • 2012–present
    National Committee for Antarctic Research, Academy of Science
  • 2005–2011
    Solar Terrestrial (Cosmic Rays) Sectretary, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society
  • 2005–2011
    Editor-In-Chief Solar Terrestrial Volumes, Advances in Geosciences
  • 1980–2011
    Science 2 / Research Scientist / Senior Research Scientist / Principal Research Scientist / Senior Principal Research Scientist / Program Leader, Australian Antarctic Division


  • 1981 
    University of Tasmania, PhD
  • 1976 
    University of Tasmania, BSc Hons
  • 1975 
    Monash University, BSc


Honorary Fellow Astronomical Society of Australia