Marcia is a researcher at the SPHSU with a focus on systematic reviews of the health impacts of complex social interventions. The role of the welfare state and social protection in determining health is a particular substantive focus. She has led a Cochrane review of health impacts of welfare to work interventions on lone parents and their children, a systematic review of qualitative welfare to work studies, and a scoping review of studies evaluating the effects of interventions which are similar to basic income. She also contributed to an evaluation of the health effects of requiring lone parents of younger children to meet work-related requirements.
She is currently collaborating on a scoping review of the wider impacts of benefit sanctions, and developing further projects on basic income and on lone parent work requirements. She has also led a number of evidence submissions to parliamentary consultations, and is keen to engage with policy makers and practitioners. Methods of evaluating policy-level and whole-system interventions are also one of Marcia’s interests.