Meg Sobkowicz Kline was born and raised in Massachusetts. During her undergraduate studies at Columbia University she discovered her interest in human impacts on the planet through a summer course on ecology at the Biosphere II facility in southern Arizona. She worked as a field engineer in the petroleum industry and in the municipal water treatment industry in New Mexico and Colorado before returning to school to complete her doctorate with Professor John Dorgan in the area of renewable polymer nanocomposites. Following her graduate studies she accepted a National Research Council postdoctoral fellowship at National Institute of Standards and Technology in Maryland to research polymeric materials for photovoltaic applications. She joined the Plastics Engineering Department in 2011.
Renewable Polymers, Plastics Processing, Rheology, Organic Electronics, Green Chemistry
Polymer Nanocomposites, Functional Coatings, Plastics Recycling, Biomaterials, Climate Change
Achievement Rewards for College Scientists (ARCS) Foundation Fellow
2015 Faculty Award for Teaching Excellence (2015), Teaching - University of Massachusetts Lowell
CAREER Award (2014), Scholarship/Research - National Science Foundation
Arthur B. Sacks Award (2010)
POLY division graduate student travel award (2009) - ACS National Spring Meeting
National Research Council Postdoctoral Associateship Award (2009)
ACS Green Chemistry and Engineering Conference top poster travel award (2007)
Bioenvironmental Polymer Society graduate student travel award (2007)
Colorado School of Mines Graduate Student Research Fair top doctoral candidate (2007)
Ph D: Chemical Engineering, (2010), Colorado School of Mines - Golden, CO
Supporting Area: Polymer Science
Dissertation/Thesis Title: Sustainable Polymer Nanocomposites with Carbon Nanostructures: Synthesis and Properties
BS: Chemical Engineering, (2001), Columbia University - New York, NY