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Maria Santana Gallego

Associate Professor, Universitat de les Illes Balears

Associate Professor at the Department of Applied Economics and Vice Dean at the
Faculty of Economics and Business (University of the Balearic Islands). PhD in
Economics from the University of La Laguna, Master in Economics and Econometrics
from the University of Kent and a bachelor degree in Economics from the
University of La Laguna.

Researcher in International Economics, mainly in the areas of International
Trade and Tourism Economics. Lead researcher in several national competitive
projects and member of the research team of national and international projects.
More than 15 years of experience publishing scientific articles in prestigious
journals in the area (Economic Modeling, The World Economic, Journal of Economic
Surveys, Annals of Tourism Research and Tourism Management, among others). She
is associate editor of Tourism Economics and Annals of Tourism Research and she
has participated in more than 50 national and international conferences.


  • –present
    Associate Professor, Universitat de les Illes Balears


  • 2010 
    University of La Laguna (Spain), PhD in Economics