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Marie Claude Lagacé

Professeure associée, innovation sociale et publique, Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)

Marie Claude Lagacé is an associate professor at Université du Québec à Montréal. She joined the Québec Innovation Council in January 2023 as their very first Senior Director for Innovation and Social change. With a small and incredibly smart team of game changers, she now works to rethink and cocreate rules, programs, and networks for new practices and solutions to arise and communities to thrive, contributing to a more prosperous nation at the social as well as economical levels.
Formerly the CEO of Humanovis, an organization that carried out social innovation and knowledge mobilization projects for more than 20 years, Marie Claude is an experienced organisational leader, talent gatherer and change enabler with enduring passion for research-driven decision, and collaborative transformation. She is president of the board of Groupe Entreprises en santé.


  • –present
    Professeure associée, innovation sociale et publique, Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)


  • 2010 
    Université Laval, Santé communautaire