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Maryse Côté-Hamel

Assistant Professor of Consumer Sciences, Université Laval

I am a consumer behaviour specialist passionate about consumer education. I have studied, worked and taught in both French and English. I hold a Ph.D. in marketing from Concordia University.

I am passionate about consumer education and responsible consumption. I wish to contribute to the development of strategies aimed at helping consumers make decisions aligned with society, the planet and their long-term interests and well-being.

I am particularly interested in the management of financial resources (e.g. planning/impulsivity, spending), material resources (e.g. possessions, minimalism) and temporal resources (e.g. time management, time of day, sleep).

My approach is part of the “Transformative Consumer Research” movement.


  • –present
    Assistant Professor of Consumer Sciences at Université Laval (Laval University), Université Laval


  • 2016 
    Concordia University (Montréal, Canada), PhD in Marketing