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Matt Killingsworth

Senior Lecturer in International Relations, University of Tasmania

Dr Matt Killingsworth is a Senior Lecturer in International Relations in the School of Social Sciences at the University of Tasmania. He is the co-author of Violence and the State (2015), author of Civil Society in Communist Eastern Europe: Opposition and Dissent in Totalitarian Regimes (2012), and numerous articles on the laws of war, the changing nature of war and post-Communist justice (lustration) in Poland and Czechoslovakia. In 2013 he was a Visiting Fellow at the University of Oxford’s Institute for Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict and in 2014 was the recipient of a United States Department of State ‘Study of U.S. Institutes for Scholars’ grant. He is the Chair of the Tasmanian Red Cross International Humanitarian Law Committee and he is a regular contributor to local and national media.


  • 2016–present
    Senior lecturer in International Relations, University of Tasmania
  • 2011–2015
    Lecturer in International Relations, University of Tasmania


  • 2007 
    University of Melbourne, PhD
  • 2002 
    Monash University, Bachelor of Arts (Hons.), First Class


  • 2016
    From St Petersburg to Rome: Understanding the Evolution of the Modern Laws of War, Australian Journal of Politics and History
  • 2015
    Violence and the State, Manchester University Press
  • 2012
    Civil Society in Communist Eastern Europe: Opposition and Dissent in Totalitarian Regimes, ECPR Press
  • 2012
    Understanding Order and Violence in the post-Soviet space: the Chechen and Russo-Georgian Wars, Global Change, Peace and Security
  • 2011
    Stalin the Charismatic Leader: Explaining the Cult of Personality as a Legitimation Technique, Politics, Religion and Ideology
  • 2010
    Lustration after Totalitarianism: Poland’s attempts to Reconcile with its Communist Past, Communist and Post Communist Studies
  • 2010
    Lustration and Legitimacy, Global Society

Research Areas

  • Political Science (1606)