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Lecturer in Biomechanics and Strength and Conditioning, Teesside University

Dr Matthew Wright is an accredited strength and conditioning coach with the UK Strength and Conditioning Association (UKSCA) and sports scientist with the British Association of Sports and Exercise Scientist (BASES) with over 10 years experience initiating, developing and leading sports science support to performance athletes in a range of sports. He has a particular interest in the physical development of youth athletes and has led the physical development programme for Teesside Sports FA Girls’ Regional Talent Club since 2011. Matthew has published a number of peer reviewed papers relating to youth athlete development and his research interests include the assessment and development of fundamental movement competency in youth athletes and the long-term development of physical qualities in girls football players as well the quantification of training and match intensities.


  • 2019–present
    Lecturer, Teesside University
  • 2005–present
    Sports Development Officer (Elite Sport), Teesside University
  • 2003–2005
    Research Assistant (biomechanics), Teesside University


  • 2018 
    Teesside University, PhD

Professional Memberships

  • BASES: Accredited Sport Exercise Scientist
  • UKSCA: Accredited Strength and Conditioning Coach