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Research Fellow in Religion, Science and Technology, University of Oxford

Before becoming an academic, Michael worked in the aerospace and robotics industries for several years working with a firm that had contracts with NASA and JPL. He holds degrees in engineering, physics, and theology and has been given academic and professional awards in each field. His academic interests lie at the intersection of science and technology, theology and philosophy. He has published and presented internationally on continental philosophy, transhumanism, the technological society and Christian theology.

He is a Commissioning and Review Editor for The Marginalia Review in the area of Science, Technology and Religion and is author of the books Beyond Genetic Engineering: Technology and the Religion of Transhumanism (Grove Books, 2014) and Eschatology and the Technological Future (Routledge, 2015). He was recently awarded a grant by The John Templeton Foundation entitled ‘Co-creating Ourselves?: Deification and Creaturehood in an Age of Biotechnological Enhancement’ that will fund a closed symposium in summer 2017, a research monograph and a special issue of a theological journal.


  • –present
    Research Fellow in Religion, Science and Technology, University of Oxford