I have carried out major studies of classroom interactions often, but not always, concerning the learning of science. My recent work has looked at the means by which learner’s own questions can be used as a basis for inquiry-based teaching, the manner in which feelings and emotions shape learning, and modes in which classroom technologies can be used to enhance learning processes. In 2003 I was awarded a Higher Education Academy National Teaching Fellowship for his excellence in teaching, and have used the award to further research and scholarship into teaching and learning in higher education.
In 2004 I was elected a Fellow of the Institute of Physics. I have undertaken consultancy work for universities in Brazil, been part of a World Bank Rapid Response team within Latin America, and a review team for teacher education in Lithuania. I am currently a consultant to the Teaching Council of Ireland and external examiner for the National University of Ireland.
Mike Watts’ new book, Debates in Science explores the major issues all science teachers encounter in their daily professional lives. Find out more by visiting www.routledge.com/9780415658294 Published by Routledge, October 2013.