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Librarian for Anthropology, Folklore and Sociology, Indiana University

Moira Marsh serves as the collection manager and liaison librarian for Anthropology, Folklore, and Sociology. She is also manager of the Modern Language Association Folklore Bibliography Project.

Her research interests of humor theory and folklore are reflected in her scholarly work; she is currently undertaking a cross-cultural analysis of the acoustics of laughter and editing a book of essays about unlaughter entitled “Not Funny, Not Fun.” Her book "Practically Joking" was published by Utah State University Press in 2015.

Moira serves as a member of the Human Relations Area Files Executive Committee and as Book Review Editor for Humor: International Journal of Humor Studies. In 2017, Moira became President-elect of the Bloomington Faculty Council, only the second librarian in recent memory with this accomplishment.

She earned both her Ph.D. in folklore and M.L.S. from Indiana University.


  • –present
    Librarian for Anthropology, Folklore and Sociology, Indiana University


  • 1992 
    Indiana University, PhD


  • 2015
    Practically Joking, Utah State University Press